Husband D. and I took the other car to their Northern VA house and spent 4 glorious days alone:
-Speaking in complete sentences.
-Not wiping anybody's butt.
-Staying out in bars until 1 am. (and I hardly even drink...I just stayed out because I could.)
-Wandering through Old Town, Chinatown, (really any-town)
-Eating meals without ketchup.
-Sleeping past the sunrise.

Pre-reunion...taking a photo of ourselves. (Did I mention that we were ALONE? For 4 days? No one to take the requisite "pre-big-event" photo.)

Son D dressed in his full German Soccer kit on the way home in honor of the women's world cup victory. We don't know why - but Germany is his favorite team. No, we aren't German. He's never been to Germany. We ate at a German restaurant once, though. Must have made an impression.

The cats survived without us.
I have a whole 'nother post about Hope Solo, but it will have to wait for another day because I'm beat. We've had the kids since 9 am today. That's exhausting. It's back to reality for me...
1 comment:
You'd best e-mail me with all the DIRT on my fellow classmates! Glad you had such a wonderful, kid-free time!
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